Wednesday, April 20, 2016

2016 Middle Earth Beer & Music Festival: The Acoustic Afternoons

It's that time again! Getting ready for the summer and hoping to slow down the crazy 21st Century mad panic daily rush on the road to nowhere with some weekend time in a field with beer and music.

Time to take part in an established summer ritual and cultural phenomena, for many of us, known simply as the festival or festival season. In this case - the Middle Earth Beer & Music Festival 2016.

This is a 2 day event, the whole thing, taking place in a village hall slap bang in the middle of Tolkien country (arguably Tolkien country)  and the "Acoustic Afternoons" are just one small part of's the part that I get to organise and maybe even fret about, and wonder why I booked an act slap bang in the middle of the Republic  of Ireland's European Championship 2016 football match with Belgium (Eire being my favoured team). Now I only get to sneakily glance at the game on some freakoid media device in the midst of drunken revelry with distracted  passion. But never mind.

What you actually need to know, if you're reading this, is who's playing, when and what beers are on.

What's the deal.

The snazzy pics and the official site is at this, on the other hand, is a rogue blog provided by industrial hedgerows.

The reason I claim the festival is "arguably" in Tolkien country is because J.R.R.Tolkien apparently wrote passages of his world famous hobbit romp, "The Lord of The Rings" while guesting in a room at near by Stonyhurst College.

It doesn't take much imagination to wonder if he found the local village of Hurst Green, which hosts our festival, to be an inspiration for his fictional small town folk of the Shire (home of the hobbits which featured in the earlier chapters of the book). It certainly has the rolling green scenery and red faced rural characters familiar to those who've read the books and seen the films, and we have the ales that hobbits would be proud of.  Hence the name - the Middle Earth Beer & Music Festival.

So feel free to come to our festival drink some ale, dance, sing and disappear forever on a magical adventure straight after it's all over full of zest for life and a belief in fighting against evil. Bring your magic rings and be a hobbit weekender!

We have bands on...

The evening headliners are...which I'll talk about later...

Friday June 17th - The Swing Commanders
Saturday June the 18th - Good Foxy

The Middle Earth Beer Festival 2016 will take place at the village of Hurst Green in Lancashire (on the road between Longridge and Clitheroe) on the evening of Friday June 17th and the whole of Saturday June 18th.

This year our Acoustic Afternoons will involve six local artists that we know and love.

Saturday June the 18th 2016

 at 12 Noon ...Mike Kneafsey
at 1pm        ...James Bailey
At 2pm       ...Hannah Spurgeon
At 3pm        ...Gary Binks
At 4pm        ...Mark Duckworth
At 5pm       ...Blanty

  Sweeney Astray will be playing live at the Middle Earth Beer & Music Festival 2016 on the evening of Saturday June the 18th.

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